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This documentation is not complete, it's a temporary thing before the full docs are written.

Events API

Intear provides a simple and easy to get events on blockchain in 2 ways:

  2. Realtime Websocket API

Note: The current REST APIs don't have full historical data and may skip or contain some events twice, and are intended for testing and development purposes only. They also don't have some frequent events like log_text or log_nep297 that may produce thousands of events per second. When the API becomes stable and syncs with the blockchain, we will make sure it's reliable.

Both APIs are open-source and can be found in INTEARnear/inevents repository. inevents is a framework for events with some custom modules like HTTP, WebSocket, redis-to-db. It also contains redis/ directory with inevents-redis crate that is used for reading and emitting events using Redis streams. The intear-events directory contains all Intear's pre-built events that are available in the API.


The REST API is available at and uses pagination by block timestamps. For example, will return the last 3 blocks that have nft_transfer events. If some block has 5 events, the endpoint will return all 7 (5 + 1 + 1) events in the same response. After that, if you want to continue iteration, use block_timestamp_nanosec + 1 from the last event as the start_block_timestamp_nanosec parameter. The maximum blocks value is 100.

Check out this interactive UI for all events.

Realtime Websocket API

To use the API, you need to connect to wss://|events-testnet)/event-name and send a JSON message containing the filter. For example, wss:// and {"contract_id":"shitzu.bodega-lab.near"}. All fields in the filter are optional, so even {} is a valid filter message. After sending the filter, you will receive JSON events that match the filter. Each message is a JSON object of the event itself and no other fields.

NFT Events

Indexed by nft-indexer.


Fired when NFTs are transferred or sold.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"contract_id": "shitzu.bodega-lab.near",
"old_owner_id": "slimedragon.near",
"new_owner_id": "",
"involved_account_ids": ["slimedragon.near", ""],

Note: The involved_account_ids field is a list of accounts that are involved in the transfer and can be either the old or new owner. The exact filtering logic is

if let Some(involved_account_ids) = &self.involved_account_ids {
if !involved_account_ids.contains(&event.old_owner_id)
&& !involved_account_ids.contains(&event.new_owner_id)
return false;

Event example:

"block_height": 118177130,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1714763770692115000",
"contract_id": "",
"memo": null,
"new_owner_id": "a.mitte-orderbook.near",
"old_owner_id": "",
"receipt_id": "9nQq8aZwbL2viqTroF9m2TN1zJqGkPHut1bUjgS9Ecvr",
"token_ids": [
"token_prices_near": [
"transaction_id": "4iugkbvYonSEK72dw7kcqUmPVviJsh6vVECMDEMraW6J"

Note: The token_prices_near field is a list of prices for each token in NEAR, if the transaction was a trade on a NEP-199-compliant NFT marketplace.


Fired when NFTs are minted.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"contract_id": "shitzu.bodega-lab.near",
"owner_id": "slimedragon.near"

Event example:

"block_height": 118178828,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1714765868727660000",
"contract_id": "mint.sharddog.near",
"memo": null,
"owner_id": "",
"receipt_id": "F6oEYHM67nNpqhQEDtXR5Sa8jrVfgmd9WsGbwADiA4mT",
"token_ids": [
"transaction_id": "Cr48qnfZq4TKnguMN5LWg6dGfpbzhjFt6jKhtKNPxjPV"


Fired when NFTs are burned.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"contract_id": "shitzu.bodega-lab.near",
"owner_id": "slimedragon.near"

Event example:

"block_height": 118243491,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1714845936855594000",
"contract_id": "x.paras.near",
"memo": null,
"owner_id": "riri.near",
"receipt_id": "HbvGKg2YtsCmvcgRvvwnRzNQKDBhjyM2eZCwGTHURG1F",
"token_ids": [
"transaction_id": "CxgyKjLzupukfdc8etsZpRN69yWa8YsDxWYS2srrgdZY"

Potlock Events

Indexed by potlock-indexer.


Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"project_id": "indexers.intear.near",
"donor_id": "slimedragon.near",
"referrer_id": "",
"min_amounts": {
"near": "1000000000000000000000000",
"intel.tkn.near": "69000000000000000000000"

Note: The min_amounts field is a map of token contract IDs to the minimum amounts. Potlock allows donations in different tokens, so you can specify minimal donation in each token. If the donation is in a token that is not in the map, it is ignored. NEAR is always near, not wrap.near.


Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"project_id": "indexers.intear.near",
"donor_id": "slimedragon.near",
"referrer_id": ""

Event example:

"block_height": 121769567,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1719093157347256000",
"chef_fee": "4900000000000000000000",
"chef_id": "edgeai.near",
"donated_at": 1719093155097,
"donation_id": 422,
"donor_id": "fandix.near",
"message": null,
"net_amount": "0",
"pot_id": "ai.v1.potfactory.potlock.near",
"protocol_fee": "2000000000000000000000",
"receipt_id": "BwsBrHcbMnVygyxHuFbZ54iFQ7bjnmHtiCbQsfUsLw5",
"referrer_fee": null,
"referrer_id": null,
"total_amount": "100000000000000000000000",
"transaction_id": "HBnmGpEQ54yA2weufzgzYnsV7rLUqRxdNZeYLvrAPmzS"


Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"project_id": "indexers.intear.near",
"donor_id": "slimedragon.near",
"referrer_id": ""

Event example:

"block_height": 118541815,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1715218033357664000",
"chef_fee": null,
"chef_id": null,
"donated_at": 1715218030726,
"donation_id": 187,
"donor_id": "kazanderdad.near",
"message": null,
"net_amount": "0",
"pot_id": "oss.v1.potfactory.potlock.near",
"project_id": "keypom.near",
"protocol_fee": "20000000000000000000000",
"receipt_id": "6MbUMZd9bXoXcb1vcpPxumurgrFiedrJ9ETsKqzgSW7H",
"referrer_fee": null,
"referrer_id": null,
"total_amount": "1000000000000000000000000",
"transaction_id": "AC7PVVt5fCyShZ97x79nauhrashgqcwoTAeXU5PwrteD"

New Token Events

Indexed by new-token-indexer.


Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"account_id": "intel.tkn.near",
"parent_account_id": "tkn.near"

Note: The account_id field is the account ID of a specific token you're looking to get the event of. The only use case I can think of is snipe bots that are waiting for a specific token to launch.

Event example:

"account_id": "rnc.tkn.near",
"block_height": 123341313,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1720924294882797000",
"receipt_id": "voTG7k88EAYPhknrEsXa1zzoyCw3Vgi8VBNzW6cLq52",
"transaction_id": "BNNEBxDsCGeTby1QsYdQ7FFsT21S35F618eMewUaQoFd"

newtoken_memecooking does not create a NEP-141 contract when a new meme is created, it only creates a new token if the meme has reached the necessary market cap by the end of the auction, so there is no newtoken_nep141 event for it at the time of creation. That's why we have a separate event for it.

Supported on mainnet: false

Supported on testnet: true

Filter example:

"meme_id": 52,
"owner": "slimedragon.near"

Note: The meme_id field is the ID of the meme as in owner is the account ID of the person who created the meme.

Event example:

"block_height": 170162064,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1722240007034834000",
"decimals": 24,
"deposit_token_id": "wrap.testnet",
"end_timestamp_ms": "1722240307034",
"meme_id": 52,
"name": "Shitcoin",
"owner": "slimedrgn.testnet",
"receipt_id": "6KmZhhr7n3zLH8MYjjhHZNki8F6N8HVmTLK6NMZiFD7Y",
"reference": "QmaAjh6sTYKq5XETwfnaWQFvaozfhAPYshDtymTajnTenH",
"reference_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"symbol": "SHITCOIN",
"total_supply": "1000000000000000000000000000000000",
"transaction_id": "2mWVnURKZsBUmb6ZnET7uRZYYpHdztgaLTBqL3mbo6fM"


Emitted by price-indexer.


Fired for every trade_pool_change event, with token prices calculated, in the same format for all pools (ref, ref stable swap, ref rated swap, ref dcl, others). Pools with != 2 tokens are not supported.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"pool_id": "REF-4663",
"involved_token_account_ids": ["wrap.near", "intel.tkn.near"],

Note: The involved_token_account_ids field is a list of token account IDs that are involved in the pool. The exact filtering logic is

if let Some(involved_token_account_ids) = &self.involved_token_account_ids {
for token_account_id in involved_token_account_ids {
if token_account_id != &event.token0 && token_account_id != &event.token1 {
return false;

Event example:

"block_height": 121767590,
"pool_id": "REF-4663",
"timestamp_nanosec": "1719090911919325000",
"token0": "wrap.near",
"token0_in_1_token1": "0.1411208118239615191769355427024566622283081247808332616013700701009990402462115096320525964642433602",
"token1": "intel.tkn.near",
"token1_in_1_token0": "7.0861270359430119940540910523880472472289861766291330489235503867094510800393592960583712607916823000"

Note: The token0_in_1_token1 and token1_in_1_token0 fields are the prices of the tokens represented in each other. In this example, 1e-24 wrap.near is 7.08e-18 intel.tkn.near. The prices are returned in the smallest units, so you have to multiply them by decimals of the tokens to get the actual price.


Fired approximately every 1-15 seconds for each token if its price has changed (even if the quote asset has changed its price but no transaction with the token itself), and for every transaction if a token price has been directly changed in the transaction (e.g. swap with a token). Contains the price in USD.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"token_id": "intel.tkn.near"

Event example:

"block_height": 121767590,
"price_usd": "0.000000000000000000725934599566688178154430559644496275286926587422741890483931756491220464591700420166872749357465442482340378420589190670546147210441475250700963751404872994918040671056934546797384694859981687145025",
"timestamp_nanosec": "1719090911919325000",
"token": "intel.tkn.near"

Note: The price_usd field is the price of the token in USDt. The price is returned in the smallest units, so you have to multiply it by decimals and divide by USDt's decimals (6) to get the actual price.


Indexed by socialdb-indexer.


More about SocialDB index events here.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"account_id": "slimedragon.near",
"index_type": "like",
"index_key": "",
"index_value": {
// Exact value of the event

Note: account_id is the account that triggered the event, and index_key is any JSON primitive. Usually it's just a string containing someone's account ID, but sometimes it can be an arbitrary string ("NEARDevHub") or a JSON object ({"type":"social","path":"slimedragon.near/widget/MyTokens"} for widget star events).

Event example:

"account_id": "euro1967.near",
"block_height": 124136096,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1721811611086520000",
"index_key": "nearbrasil.near",
"index_type": "notify",
"index_value": {
"item": {
"blockHeight": 124093824,
"path": "nearbrasil.near/post/main",
"type": "social"
"type": "like"
"receipt_id": "4qfnJjn3nA4YEpsMVfMzEgMeXEED9AvxYDCPKhACezc2",
"transaction_id": "4nV4JiM9cUaUJ4Y7UY3KTNiHzwB5qgmYXJHEQwE4JdjE"


Indexed by trade-indexer.


Fired for each pool a trade goes through. For example, if someone exchanges USDT -> USDC -> NEAR, this event will be fired twice, for USDT -> USDC and USDC -> NEAR.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"pool_id": "REF-4663",
"trader_account_id": "slimedragon.near",

Event example:

"amount_in": "590500000000000000",
"amount_out": "205595628990574354388667",
"block_height": 118532904,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1715206878053766000",
"pool": "REF-4528",
"receipt_id": "2su8zkexexHyfTzrWXWy8pPhoSUNsiBEmvVhDR21CrSX",
"token_in": "438e48ed4ce6beecf503d43b9dbd3c30d516e7fd.factory.bridge.near",
"token_out": "wrap.near",
"trader": "",
"transaction_id": "4udHSmgoLiR4LxSoTfREPFiqNb5itopHyk5Z5oAxhU6Y"


Fired when a DEX pool changes. For example, when someone exchanges tokens, adds or removes liquidity, or when fee is changed. The behavior is different for each pool, but it's pretty much guaranteed that 2 consecutive events will have different data.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"pool_id": "REF-4663",

Event example:

"block_height": 118534310,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1715208645742472000",
"pool": {
"Ref": {
"SimplePool": {
"amounts": [
"exchange_fee": 0,
"referral_fee": 0,
"shares_total_supply": "1037156190898767482872151",
"token_account_ids": [
"total_fee": 100,
"volumes": [
"input": "31414111565383646112652781298",
"output": "271307865818294592226811576515"
"input": "187676207214295505041484206659",
"output": "28218417708838038210936894379"
"pool_id": "REF-4663",
"receipt_id": "M6hKmJ4F1iH9JUmV3G2hNg7wswYtoVpnmQP6bkEG5w9"

Note: The pool field is a JSON object that contains the pool data. The exact structure is different for each DEX and pool type (for eaxmple, Ref has simple pools for most tokens, and pools like StableSwap or RatedSwap for more specific use cases).


Fired when someone exchanges tokens. 1 trade = 1 event, even if it goes through multiple pools. This event is a net result of all sub-trades, and only includes the net balance changes of different tokens. If a trade involves a token but net change is 0 (for example, USDT -> USDC -> NEAR, all received USDC is exchanged for NEAR, so it's not included in the event). That means trades made by arbitrage bots will mostly have positive NEAR balance and no other tokens.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: false

Filter example:

"trader_account_id": "slimedragon.near",
"involved_token_account_ids": ["wrap.near", "intel.tkn.near"],

Note: The involved_token_account_ids field is a list of token account IDs that are involved in the trade. The exact filtering logic is

if let Some(involved_token_account_ids) = &self.involved_token_account_ids {
for token_account_id in involved_token_account_ids {
if !event.balance_changes.contains_key(token_account_id) {
return false;

Event example:

"balance_changes": {
"intel.tkn.near": "24541924589951464825715754",
"wrap.near": "-5571247163705000000000000"
"block_height": 118534310,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1715208645742472000",
"receipt_id": "M6hKmJ4F1iH9JUmV3G2hNg7wswYtoVpnmQP6bkEG5w9",
"trader": "",
"transaction_id": "9nAj55jhDmcmB2oCn7gbSZKiztTRYsPvR1s2fz84Xxu9"

Contract Logs

Indexed by log-indexer.


All logs produced by smart contracts.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: true

Filter example:

"account_id": "intel.tkn.near",
"predecessor_id": "slimedragon.near",
"text": "Minted 1000 tokens",
"text_starts_with": "Minted ",
"text_ends_with": " tokens",
"text_contains": "tokens",

Event example:

"account_id": "",
"block_height": 124766310,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1722521008924147927",
"log_text": "EVENT_JSON:{\"standard\":\"nep141\",\"version\":\"1.0.0\",\"event\":\"ft_mint\",\"data\":[{\"owner_id\":\"\",\"amount\":\"59801\"}]}",
"predecessor_id": "",
"receipt_id": "2db2GHn4axMqA8fwR42z7UdyiSdyZiDsP4stkFwuFmnH",
"transaction_id": "6uHDr58NnvRy7kEbG4irTkio13o5zyH8Sf77c6MGy7rs"


All NEP-297 events produced by smart contracts.

Supported on mainnet: true

Supported on testnet: true

Filter example:

"account_id": "intel.tkn.near",
"predecessor_id": "slimedragon.near",
"event_standard": "nep141",
"event_version": "^1.0",
"event_event": "ft_transfer"

Event example:

"account_id": "earn.kaiching",
"block_height": 124766422,
"block_timestamp_nanosec": "1722521135460598891",
"event_data": [
"amount": "1388",
"memo": "sws:359cd0ba631ec0d0807530f911725d23143d89ec7e2f651add8d18e616f53429",
"reward_id": "T-3e8c7-6wp2w-2024-08-01"
"event_event": "ft_lockup_claim_lockup",
"event_standard": "rewards-lockup",
"event_version": "1.0.0",
"predecessor_id": "earn.kaiching",
"receipt_id": "4YzHBiNwiV1UicGZt6w7fNuW8UipbEzqu1MR1eT4u7aF",
"transaction_id": "EfwjuU9m8Phrx77gNM7AJaR3wHsKk1zpLxi9DmtBGjxT"